Sunday, November 27, 2011

Coming into Sydney 9th November 2011

When we where away one of the things I want to do was, to be at the front of the ship as we were coming in to Sydney, and that where I was at 5.30am on the 9th November in the cold, with half the ship passengers, I’ve heard so many Aussie say you got see the sun come up over Sydney Harbour Bridge, and I’m so glad I did, it was a beautiful morning and well worth being up at 5.30am.

S.M. Mac Arthur ©


  1. Great Photos. What a wonderful trip you must have had.

  2. The photos are beautiful Sue. Great job!

  3. Hello dear Sue
    What beautiful pictures. You must have had a wonderful trip.
    Wish you a nice week.
    Take care

  4. A lovely photos Sue, would believe a lots of Japanese people are want to come to see the Opera house.
    Have a nice week!

  5. what a beautiful cruise & sun rise Sue! glad you got to see that first hand also.
    have a wonderful week sweet friend. love & hugs Doris

  6. The pictures are amazing and that sunrise was spectacular...definitely worth the getting up early.

    'ave a good one Sue...

  7. Hello Sue!
    Wishing you a great weekend!
